Please note that this breach does not impact your accounts with Ion Bank. This communication is an informative measure on how critical it is to keep your personal information safe. Ion Bank has established safeguards designed to aid in keeping your information private. To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.
Are you insured or employed by Anthem? Your personal information – including your Social Security Number – may have been compromised.
A recent massive cybersecurity breach has compromised the personal information of tens of million U.S. citizens insured by Anthem Inc. The data breach affects individuals’ names, addresses, Social Security Numbers and more, which can cause what attorneys call “likely irreversible damage” to those insured or employed by Anthem and affected by the breach.
According to news reports, Anthem had 37.5 million medical members as of December 2014, and is now likely the source of the largest data breach involving a U.S. health insurer.
Anthem will individually notify current and former members whose information has been accessed. They will be providing credit monitoring and identity protection services free of charge so that those who have been affected can have peace of mind. They have created a dedicated website – www.AnthemFacts.com – where members can access information such as frequent questions and answers. They have also established a dedicated toll free number that both current and former members can call if they have questions related to this incident.
That number is: 1-877-263-7995.