The Ion Bank Foundation has awarded a $10,000 grant to the Cheshire Food Pantry to help fund the construction of a new 5,700 square foot facility that will serve over 300 Cheshire individuals and families. According to Patty Hartmann, Executive Director of the Cheshire Community Food Pantry, “It’s because of community minded organizations like Ion Bank that we are able to expand our services and provide a safe, comfortable environment for those in need.”
Charles J. Boulier III, President & CEO of Ion Bank and Ion Bank Foundation said “The Cheshire Food Pantry will provide invaluable supportive services to the hungry in Cheshire and expand volunteer opportunities to benefit the larger Cheshire community”.
The Cheshire Community Food Pantry (CCFP) provides food to Cheshire residents in need. With support from individuals, civic and business organizations, and the interfaith community in Cheshire, the Pantry provides services which improve the quality of life of individuals and families.